How To Open a Door with a Broken Knob

Many residential doors are equipped with a knob lock that rotates on a spindle from both sides, when you turn the key or push the button. You may experience a broken doorknob, leaving you stranded outside the door. You don't usually have to kick the door down or even call a locksmith in this situation. Follow these steps to open a door with a broken knob. Open the Door on the Side without Screws [Read More]

What To Do If Your Car Key Gets Stuck In The Ignition

If you have ever attempted to take your car's key out of the ignition but found that you weren't able to get it out, then you might have found yourself wondering what to do. This can be an annoying situation to deal with as a car owner, but following these tips can help you fix the situation. Use a Little Lubricant First of all, if you want to try to get the key out of your ignition yourself, you can try using a squirt or two of a good lubricant. [Read More]

What To Do When You Lose Your Car Key

So, you are locked out of your car and have no spare? Well, you can either be very nervous about it, which will definitely not help, or just laugh about it, as keeping a positive attitude is ideal in this situation. So, breathe in and out and think of a solution. Here are a few key points on what to do when losing your car keys: Search for the keys      [Read More]

Three Ways To Prevent Being Locked Out Of Your Car

Whether you tend to lose your car keys or you sometimes lock them inside your vehicle, being locked out of your car can be a frustrating experience. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to prevent this problem. Use this guide to help reduce the chances of being locked out of your vehicle, and partner with your local locksmith service if you do find yourself unable to access your car. [Read More]